Phone: +420 721 953 845
Address: Mount Milešovka, Milešov, 411 32 Velemín
The highest mountain of České středohoří is Milešovka (837 above the sea level) located 20 km from Litoměřice, a national nature reserve. On the top there is an accessible weather station since 1904.
German naturalist A. Humboldt called in 1819 view from Milešovka as the third best view in the world. At the southern foot of Milešovka there is a Milešov village with a Renaissance chateau from the 16th century. It was built on a basaltic rock. The castle is not open to the public, there is a retirement home. The second highest peak of the Bohemian Uplands (České středohoří) is Hradišťany, 752 above the sea level, 7km southwest from Milešovka.